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Building AA powered dApp with ZeroDev

Key Features of ZeroDev AA stack

  • Smart: ZeroDev leverages account abstraction.
  • White-labeled: ZeroDev doesn't have a UI -- it provides the underlying wallet logic that you can build a totally customized experience on top of.
  • Modular: ZeroDev is built on top of Kernel, the most popular open-source smart account that supports ERC-7579 plugins for customizing wallet logic.

Let's take a quick look at how you can start off by creating a new project in the ZeroDev Dashboard.

1. Setup ProjectID in dashboard

Sign up on ZeroDev Dashboard. Sign up on dashboard and create a new project. Name your project accordingly and choose the network chain as Gnosis .

2. Get config from Dashboard

Once you have setup a project, you will get PROJECTID, BundlerRPC, PaymasterRPC. You can create .env file and store these config values to be used later in project.

3. Creating Wallet

ZeroDev supports three types of wallet creation:

  • Passkeys : ZeroDev supports on-chain passkeys, where transactions are signed directly with passkeys on your user's device, and the signatures are validated on-chain with either RIP-7212 (if supported by the network) or smart contracts, without reliance on centralized infrastructure. Learn more here.
  • Socials or Social Logins : ZeroDev supports social logins natively, but you can also use ZeroDev with third-party auth providers such as Dynamic, Privy, and Magic if your prefer their UI.
  • EOA Wallet : Sign using EOA wallet (e.g. MetaMask) through ZeroDev, this EOA will be the signer of the ZeroDev smart wallet. Therefore, the smart wallet will be different counterfactual address than the address of the user's EOA.

Setting up React Implementation with ZeroDev Packages

We will utilize @zerodev/waas package for the React implementation of our dApp.

1. Install packages

npm install @zerodev/waas viem@2.x @tanstack/react-query

2. Create a provider for ZeroDev.

We will utilise the ProjectID from Dashboard and use chain object corresponding to ZeroDev project.

import { http } from "viem"
import { gnosis } from "viem/chains"
import { ZeroDevProvider, createConfig } from "@zerodev/waas"

function Providers({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode}) {
const PROJECT_ID = " " //enter PROJECT ID here

const config = createConfig({
chains: [gnosis],
transports: {
[]: http()
projectIds: {

return (
<ZeroDevProvider config={config}>

3. Create a Smart Account

import { useCreateKernelClientPasskey } from "@zerodev/waas";

function App() {
const { connectRegister, isPending } = useCreateKernelClientPasskey({ version: "v3" });

return (
onClick={() => {
connectRegister({ username: "zerodev_quickstart" });
{isPending ? 'Connecting...' : 'Create Smart Account'}

export default App;

4. Getting Smart Account Address

import { useKernelClient } from "@zerodev/waas"

function App() {
const { address } = useKernelClient()

return (
/* ...Create Smart Account */
<p>{`Smart Account Address: ${address}`}</p>

5. Sending UserOp sponsored transaction

import { parseAbi } from "viem"
import { useKernelClient, useSendUserOperation } from "@zerodev/waas"

function App() {
const { address } = useKernelClient()
const { data: userOpHash, write, isPending } = useSendUserOperation({
paymaster: {
type: "SPONSOR"
const tokenAddress = "0x3870419Ba2BBf0127060bCB37f69A1b1C090992B"
const abi = parseAbi(["function mint(address _to, uint256 amount) public"])

return (
/* ...Create & Get Smart Account */
onClick={() => {
address: tokenAddress,
abi: abi,
functionName: "mint",
args: [address, 1],
value: BigInt(0),
{isPending ? 'Minting...' : 'Mint'}
{userOpHash && <p>{`UserOp Hash: ${userOpHash}`}</p>}

Check out the quickstart code on github and official documentation here

If you want to check out how to pay gas fees using ERC20 Tokens, check out the ZeroDev section for paying using ERC20 Tokens