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Ledger is a hardware wallet, a device that stores the private keys to your cryptocurrency funds in a more secure manner, away from the internet. Even if you make transactions from it, the wallet confirms the transactions in an offline environment. This process helps keep your private keys away from the risks of the internet at all times.

Get a device and learn more on the Ledger Website.

Connecting with Gnosis

There is not an "Gnosis" dedicated application, you will use the Ethereum application to interact with Gnosis through MetaMask. Be sure your ledger firmware is updated and you have setup Ledger Live.

If interacting with a contract (for example claiming tokens with a bridge transfer or conducting a token swap), you will need to enable blind signing. If you recently updated your hardware, you will need to re-enable.

  1. Connect and unlock your Ledger device.
  2. Open the Ethereum (ETH) application.
  3. Press the right button to navigate to Settings. Then press both buttons to validate. Your Ledger device displays Blind Signing.
  4. Press both buttons to enable transaction blind signing. The device displays Enabled. You're done.
  5. Retry your transaction.

For more help with Ledger, please see their support docs.