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Monitoring your Node(s)

To monitor a node in the network, you can either observe your own node's status or the entire network. Monitoring your own node can give you insight into its status, and setting up a monitoring dashboard using Prometheus and Grafana is commonly used. To monitor the network, options include ethstats, forkmon, beacon.gnosischain, and blockscout, each providing different types of information about the network and validator related metrics.

Monitoring your own node with Prometheus + Grafana

Prometheus is a systems monitoring tool that pulls data from certain endpoint and stores the data into a database. Grafana is a data visualisation tool that allows user to create their own dashboard from different data sources, including Prometheus. Node exporter is a monitoring tool that exposes your hardware and OS metrics. It can provide your system metrics to Prometheus.


To set up these tools, please refer to the excellent guide from ethstaker on how to do monitoring for an Ethereum validator.

You may also refer to the Ethereum Setup Instructions and CoinCashew's guide for best monitoring practices.

In order to expose your node's clients data to Prometheus, please ensure the execution or consensus client has enabled the appropriate metrics flag.

Default metrics port

Lighthouse Beacon5054
Lighthouse Validator5064
Lodestar Beacon8008
Lodestar Validator5064
Teku (Beacon & Validator)8008
Nimbus (Beacon & Validator)8008
Prysm Beacon8080
Prysm Validator8081

Execution client

--Metrics.Enabled true
--Metrics.ExposePort $PORT

Refer to

Consensus client


Monitoring the network


Ethstats provides real-time insight about the entire state of Gnosis network such as Block Time, Transactions per block, Gas per block; as well as individual node's metrics such as node's OS, Execution client version, peers number, etc.


By default, your node data will not be listed on the ethstats page. Listing a node on ethstats is a voluntary process.

To enable ethstats module in Nethermind, set --EthStats.Enabled true.



Forkmon (Fork monitor) is another tool to monitor Node's status.


The site is deprecated is a real-time dashboard that measures decentralization of Gnosis Chain and Ethereum networks.

d14n dashboard allows you to monitor the performance of Gnosis consensus staking pool. Some of the metrics you can track include:

  • % of inactive validators
  • Delta in rewards/penalties between consecutive epochs
  • Proposed and missed blocks for each epoch

Block explorer

Execution Layer

  • Gnosisscan Gnosisscan provides data about blocks, transactions, validator's reward on Execution Layer, etc.

    To check your Execution Layer Reward (in xDAI):

    1. Search your fee-recipient-address that is set when running validator
    2. Click Validated Blocks GnosisScan Block Validated by Validator
  • Blockscout Blockscout is another block explorer similar to Gnosisscan.

    Blockscout Block Validator by Validator

Consensus Layer

  • beacon.gnosischain beacon.gnosischain provides insight on consensus layer such as most recent epochs, most recent blocks, and validator's reward on Consensus layer. You can view your validator's info by using its public key or index.

    To check your Consensus Layer Reward (in mGNO):

    1. Search your validator by Index or Public Key.
    2. Income section indicates the overall consensus layer reward the validator has gained, Validator History shows the reward per epoch. beacon reward