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Validator withdrawal has now been enabled!

Gnosis Chain underwent Shanghai/Capella Hardfork successfully on August 1, 2023 at 11:34.20 UTC, slot 10379264, epoch 648704.

What is Validator Withdrawal?

Validator withdrawal allows a validator's account balance get withdrawn from Beacon Chain to Execution Layer, in the form of GNO. The GNO will be accrued on validator's withdrawal address on the Execution Layer, which is set using eth1_withdrawal_address option during validator key generation.

There are 2 types of withdrawals: Partial Withdrawal and Full Withdrawal.
Partial Withdrawal: Any balance in excess of 1 GNO from the account balance get withdrawn back to withdrawal address.
Full Withdrawal: All the balance from validator's account get withdrawn back to withdrawal address. This has to be initiated by validator, signing voluntary_exit message and broadcasting it to the network. It is irreversible.

What is the difference between validator withdrawal in Gnosis Chain and Ethereum?

For users: it is the same!

Technically: Withdrawals are handled by a smart contract on Gnosis Chain

  • specifically implemented for Gnosis in execution layer clients
  • same contract as the deposit one
  • pays out in GNO
  • If there's no GNO left in the contract, withdrawals are retried whenever it's topped up
    • The failed withdrawal queue is cleared at a constant rate per slot (4-16/slot, TBD), in addition to new withdrawals.


  1. Gnosis Chain Withdrawals spec
  2. Withdrawal Contract

What action should a validator take?

Check Withdrawal Credential

For any type of withdrawals, a validator need to have 0x01 withdrawal credential. You’re fine if you used --eth1_withdrawal_address to create your validator keys. If not, tooling will be made available.

There are 2 ways to check withdrawal credential of a validator:

  1. Search on
  2. Search on depositm*.json file of your validator.

How to change the withdrawal credential?

  1. Generate BLStoExecution file using ethdo.

  2. Post the file to the BLStoExecution pool.

Step-by-Step tutorial

Online and Offline process

The online and offline process contains three steps.

  1. Generate data on the online computer.
  2. Generate change-credential.json on an offline computer.
  3. Broadcast the credential change operations to the Gnosis Network.


  1. On your online computer, open a terminal and download ethdo from Github/
  1. Extract ethdo
tar -xvf ethdo-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  1. Check that ethdo is installed correctly by running
./ethdo --help

Step 1: Obtain offline-preparation.json file

  1. Connect to your consensus node, and generate offline-preparation.json
./ethdo --connection=http://localhost:<Beacon_Node_Port> validator credentials set --prepare-offline

Check the port of your consensus node, i.e. Lighthouse's default http port is 5052.
An offline-preparation.json file will be created.

  1. Copy the offline-preparation.json file and ethdo software into a USB.

Step 2: Generate change-operations.json file offline

  1. Use the file you've copied into the USB and run the following command on an offline computer.

    Make sure your offline-preparation.json is at the same directory where ethdo software is running.

./ethdo validator credentials set --offline --mnemonic="abandon abandon abandon … art" --withdrawal-address=0x0123…cdef

Replace mnemonic with the validator's mnemonic and withdrawal-address with a gnosis address for your validator's withdrawal reward. A change-operations.json file will be created.

  1. Copy the change-operations.json file from offline computer to an online computer.

Step 3: Broadcast change-operations.json to the network
There are two ways to broadcast the operations:
i. Using UI
ii. Using curl to broadcast the data to your beacon node(advanced)

Using UI:

Upload change-operations.json to, and click 'Submit & Broadcast'.

Using curl
This option is only recommended for advanced user. Please use it at your own risk.

  1. Open a terminal, navigate to the same directory as you store your change-operations.json. Make sure to change the beacon_node_port according to your consensus client.
    Run the following command.
curl -d @change-operations.json -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -X POST<beacon_node_port>/eth/v1/beacon/pool/bls_to_execution_changes


  1. Changing withdrawal credential by ethdo
  2. BLS to execution with ethdo
  3. BLS To Execution Change from Ethereum
  4. Teku's postBlsToExecutionChange API

How to receive my withdrawal (full or partial)?

As we have modified some specs regarding the withdrawals to enable withdrawing GNO instead of the native gas token xDai, unlike Ethereum, partial and full withdrawals do not happen automatically.
Currently you need to manually claim your withdrawal on the contract :


If you want to perform full withdrawal, don't forget to initiate voluntary exit before calling claimWithdrawal.

  1. Connect your wallet to Gnosisscan (it can be any wallet, doesn't have to be your validator address, anyone can trigger a withdrawal claim) and then enter your validator recipient(withdrawal) address(s) in claimWithdrawal or claimWithdrawals
  2. Click "write" and perform the send tx action on your wallet.
  3. Once the transaction is confirmed, you should see the GNO tokens being transferred to your withdrawal address.

Don't use the full length address that you might see on, use the recipient address under "Withdrawal" tab.
The withdrawal address and the recipient address are the same thing.



  1. Gnosis Validator Meetup #5: Shanghai/Capella Upgrade