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Core Devs Call - 2023/09/27

· 3 min read
Lion - dapplion
Merge coordinator
Validator Comms Lead @ Gnosis

Gnosis Core Devs Call Notes


Welcome to the weekly Gnosis Core Devs Call, where members of the Gnosis team and contributors gather to discuss the latest developments and updates related to the Gnosis ecosystem. This meeting is held every Wednesday and serves as a platform for participants to collaborate and exchange ideas.

The participants of this call include representatives from various teams such as Erigon, Gateway, Nethermind, Geth, Gnosis DevOps, Gnosis Core Devs, Gnosis DevRels, Gnosis Comms team, and community contributors. The presence of diverse team members ensures that discussions are comprehensive and informative, with insights from multiple perspectives.

For those who missed the live meeting, a full recording is available on YouTube.

The Gnosis Core Devs Call is a crucial component of the Gnosis ecosystem. It provides an opportunity for participants to stay informed, share ideas and collaborate, thus driving innovation and progress within the Gnosis community.

September 27, 2023


  • Nethermind: Exploring Shutter and waiting for some answers Probably going to release a new version of Nethermind end of this week

  • Erigon: No updates

  • Geth: Found the previous problem thanks to Somnath The contracts weren’t properly imported, but the logic works correctly Was able to sync 145k blocks After this, one transaction has an invalid gas usage (more expensive on geth) Comparing traces as we speak Has to rebuild the current state (~14 hours) Needs access to an S3 bucket in order not to have to sync from scratch constantly Implemented the withdrawal contract to be able to go through the transition once it gets there

Chain Infra

  • Gateway No one present


  • Devnets
    • Empty system address? We’ll try to send a few wei to the system account on Chiado first
    • Devnets Carlos is preparing configurations for the devnet Should be ready for end of this week or start of the next one Working on the max churn limit

Hive Tests

Started working on the dencun tests As soon as tests are ready, they’ll be shown in the dashboard Work on upstreaming will be done after dencun tests are implemented Somnath can help for that Will speak with Egor about adding older Hive tests


  • AuRa contracts Should be cleaned up Jorge was exploring this topic but gave up Marek will ask him about his opinion
  • What about BEACON_ROOTS_ADDRESS? Will we have the same address or a different one? We should be able to create it at the same address Worst case we can just hardcode it in the genesis file (ideally CREATE2 though) Guillaume asked Matt Might rely on a dependency on EF, in which case we can just make the address configurable and deploy it with our own keys
  • Are legacy transactions disabled? Might still be enabled in Erigon, but not in Geth and Nethermind? Andrew will check Geth disabled legacy transactions (without chain id) in the transaction pool, but still accepts them in the block