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⚔️ xDai Weekly Recap - 19/06/2020

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📡 Exchange News

STAKE token support on UniSwap

STAKE liquidity pools have been available on UniSwap for a few weeks. Now STAKE is listed in the main dropdown menu, increasing exposure and signaling support and interest from the community.

Liquidity pool added to Balancer

Balancer is a decentralized token exchange and pool manager, and liquidity pools can be created with varying percentages of tokens (ie pools do not need to be split 50/50 like in Uniswap, but can contain different percentages like this pool which is 90% STAKE / 10% WETH).

CoinGecko adds additional Uniswap parameters, exchange listings.

CoinGecko provides a list of available exchange platforms for STAKE. This week they updated the Trust Score and liquidity parameters for Uniswap, and updated the growing list of exchanges now listing STAKE.

📰 Articles & Media

✅ Reddit xMoons

Eth developer Austin Griffith is working on new applications for xDai which will interact with Reddit Moons. Look for more development and xMoon news in the weeks ahead!


In this article we look at the similarities and differences between these two governance tokens that support the underlying protocol functionality.

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