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⚔️ xDai Weekly Recap - 19/02/2021

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💡 Project Updates

Multiple projects went live on xDai this week along with several big project updates, alpha, beta and pre-sale launches! 🚀

Colony Soft Launch

Colony v2 is a powerful, practical and flexible DAO framework. The new user interface offers a Slack-like experience, and is easy and full-featured for new users.The soft launch means Colony is still in Beta; users are encouraged to try the new features and report and issues to the team.

Baoswap Alpha

BAO Finance is readying for an early March launch. The alpha version of BAOSwap (Uniswap fork) went live on xDai for user testing.

Origin Trail Staking

$TRAC staking launch resulted in 70M+ Trac locked in a matter of hours! Origin trail is leveraging xDai for the launch, and the xDai ecosystem will have direct access to the OriginTrail Decentralised Knowledge Graph.

UniCrypt Lockers and Token Launchpad

Unicrypt Network Team platform launched with Liquidity Lockers and a Decentralized Launchpad, supporting both Uniswap on Mainnet and HoneySwap on xDai!

HOPR Pre-Sale Token Launch

Preparations are underway for the HOPR token pre-sale launch on xDai. The presale, open to Genesis DAO participants only, is happening on the xDai chain from 14:00 CET on February 21st and will close at 14:00 CET on February 23rd. Participation is initially capped at 16,000 HOPR per person, at a total cost of 800 xDAI.

Omen xDai Airdrop

Omen Prediction Market is live on xDai, and to celebrate users Omen airdropped 5.00 xDai to all addresses who have used Omen on Mainnet in the past. This is more than enough to drop in on the platform and try make a few predictions!‌

Mt Pelerin

The Mt Pelerin Bridge Protocol is a free and open source platform for asset issuance, distribution and management.‌

Unifty Bridge

Unifty is a Multi-chain hub for NFT projects to create custom farms and NFT collections with just a few clicks. The new ERC1155 bridge is live, letting users mint, build farms on xDai then seamlessly move stake and move NFTs to Ethereum

Nifty Chess

A winning project at Eth Denver, Nifty Chess lets users save boards from chess games as NFTs on xDai. Games, moves and boards can be minted and shared as one-of-a-kind digital tokens.