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⚔️ xDai Weekly Recap - 04/09/2020

· 2 min read
Archive Post

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💎 Distributions

✅ 1st Reward Distribution Sent to Uniswap Liquidity Providers

The first reward distribution of 2196 STAKE was successfully sent to 119 participants based on their percentage of STAKE in the pool. Future distributions will be processed every 5-9 days and will go to the top 100 participants. Amounts will vary based on EasyStaking participation withdrawal activity.

✅ LP Rewards Proposal

The ETH-STAKE pair is now available on Mooniswap, and a proposal is available for the community to gauge interest in adding pool to the reward protocol.

📻 Listings

✅ HBTC listing

STAKE listed by HBTC. Additional listings can be found at CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko

💻 Dev News

✅ BlockScout Bridged Tokens List

A new BlockScout feature shows tokens bridged using the OmniBridge extension. This can be any ERC20 token bridged by anyone to xDai. Once the token is bridged over, users can send and trade within the xDai ecosystem for extremely low fees.

✅ RaidGuidl

Raidguild continues to port over infrastructure and make progress with xDai development.

🖼 App News

✅ Power Pool Beta Complete - Gamma up Next

Powerpool finished their beta on xDai with some amazing results. Gamma testing will start shortly.

✅ Nifty.Ink Contest

With Nifty.Ink anyone can draw and mint an NFT to xDai. BlockTalks and xDai are sponsoring a crypto art contest with a $250 prize pool.

✅ KickBack Events on xDai

🦸♂ xDai Community

✅ Twitter Banner Design Contest

We’ve launched a contest to design our Twitter banner with prizes in STAKE. Entries have been extended to a TBD date. If you are a designer, or know one, forward on the info to help elevate the xDai STAKE visual game!

Add your entry here: