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⚔️ xDai Weekly Recap - 13/11/2020

· 2 min read
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This week we've been heads down on POSDAO preparations and network security enhancements. Progress continues towards the public staking implementation on xDai.

🔥 Token Burn & Public POSDAO Prep

We've burned 40,000 STAKE tokens on Ethereum and added 2 new validator candidate nodes on xDai. Each node has received 20,000 STAKE on xDai, the minimum required to become an initial validator, and will be upgraded to validator status shortly. The nodes are running on the Nethermind client, providing additional robustness and decentralization to the network.

The tokens were burned to the Eth2 Deposit Contract. Learn more about why and some future directions for xDai and public POSDAO.

:closed_lock_with_key: Security Audits

An extensive bridge audit has been completed for the xDai bridge and the OmniBridge. Now that the audit is complete, we are upgrading contracts and will be incorporating additional functionality in the coming months.

🦋 Project News

✓ $STAKE whitelisted on BANCOR

The STAKE token is now whitelisted on Bancor v2.1. This means participants can participate in single-sided staking to earn swap fees while staking with a single asset. Learn how to stake with STAKE and receive protection against impermanent loss over time.

✓PrimeDAO Meme Competition

✓Linkdrop Integration

Follow our guides to:

  • Create an airdrop using Linkdrop on xDai.
  • Claim a Linkdrop airdrop.