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⚔️ xDai Weekly Recap - 11/06/2021

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POSDAO & Protocol Updates


The protocol is currently in Epoch 60.
****There are 17 validator pools with 286 delegators - over 200 of them are unique - staking a total of 664,361 STAKE.

High pool APY is currently 20.6%, low is 6.45% (stats as of 11/06/2021 16:00 UTC).

EOA views added to xDai Usage Dashboard

Externally owned accounts on xDai represent a fair amount of volume, especially when related to account activity and overall transactions. We added this metric to see how EOAs are using xDai in relation to larger project utilization of the chain. The usage dashboard is available at

Ethers.js Quick Start Guide

Ethers.js is a useful javascript library available to developers. It is much smaller than web3.js and easy-to-use for new developers, and we created a simple guide for devs.

BlockScout Survey

BlockScout Block Explorer is conducting a survey to collect user feedback on the explorer. Help build the next generation of explorer for xDai, and win $100 in the process!

🦋 Project Updates

📡 Dark Forest Round 1 Completed

Dark Forest Round 1 was a big success on xDai, accounting for a big increase in transactions, usage and users. Get ready, round 2 starts shortly!

:house_with_garden: RealT Real Estate

RealT tokenized real estate continues to sell quickly. In a volatile market environment real-world assets with more predictable yields (and predictable pricing on xDai) provide some much needed balance!

Minerva Streaming Farms

Another innovation from the Minerva team - NFTs that come with a MIVA stream attached, once the user has deposited LP tokens from Honeyswap.


Eporio is partnering with Minerva to provide a marketplace forstreaming “Farm Position” NFTs (FP NFTs, for short), making them completely tradeable and visible to users.

Snafu Artist Collective

Collection 2 has been released, and is described as "an epiphany of looks, a chorus of images that represent our present" and includes a physical artbook available to the 5 users with the highest number of NFTs. One artist is dropped per day, for a total of 17 artists, and the campaign ends on 30 June, 2021.

HoneyComb Farming Updates

Farming continues to gain traction on the HoneySwap Platform, with additional liquidity coming in daily.

Peerion Validator Pool

Peerion validator pool for liquid staking has reached goal # 2 (5000+ STAKE) and continues to add more stakers in anticipation of launch.