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⚔️ xDai Weekly Recap - 02/07/2021

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POSDAO & Protocol Updates


The protocol is currently in Epoch 63.
****There are 17 validator pools with 345 delegators( ⬆️ 5% from previous week) **** staking a total of 657,860 STAKE ( ⬆️ 2% from previous week).

High pool APY is currently 18.4%, low is 11.3% (stats as of 25/06/2021 15:00 UTC).

Protocol News

:heavy_check_mark: POSDAO Audit Completed

An audit of the POSDAO protocol was completed by the Chain Security team. The final report is now available here. Look for updates to the xDai Staking Protocol (lowered validator minimums) coming soon!

:man_raising_hand: BootNode Validator Snapshot vote

The BootNode team added a forum proposal to become a validator on xDai last week, and the proposal is now up for a vote on Snapshot. The community can vote with STAKE on Ethereum or STAKE on xDai. The vote ends on July 4 🎇

🦋 Project Updates

Curve comes to xDai!

HOPR trading on xDai directly with Ascendex

Dark Forest Round 2 Begins

Hedgey Financial Derivatives Protocol Launch

Pillar Wallet Support

YFX Trading Competition

Swarm and xDai Article

Omen EURO Prediction Markets

DxDAO Farming Campaign

⚔️ xDai Weekly Recap - 25/06/2021

· 3 min read
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This post is more than one year old. The information may be outdated. Check the latest posts.

POSDAO & Protocol Updates


The protocol is currently in Epoch 62.
****There are 17 validator pools with 328 delegators( ⬆️ 11% from previous week) **** staking a total of 643,380 STAKE ( ⬆️ 3% from previous week).

High pool APY is currently 17.63%, low is 13.8% (stats as of 25/06/2021 15:00 UTC).

Prototol News

:green_heart: Green NFTs on xDai

We published an article on the amount of energy projects can save by moving NFT operations to xDai. The results are 👀 opening! Leaders in the space such as the Crypto stamp project from the Austrian Post are looking for alternatives and finding xDai is a natural fit.

:calendar_spiral: Daily Active Accounts

Active accounts on xDai have show huge gains this week, driven by the new Swarm integration. In an informative tweet, Igor Barinov reported on this increase along with some insightful comparisons to the Polygon ecosystem for context.

:man_raising_hand: BootNode Validator Application

BootNode is a relatively new company, but the founder Manual has a long history of supporting xDai. Previously he was the C*O at Protofire and one of the original 4 validators on the xDai chain. The BootNode application highlights the new team and the additional decentralization they will bring. "BootNode aims to bootstrap a self-sustainable, production-grade network and bridge validator."

The proposal is now open for any comments, and a snapshot vote will follow in the coming week.

🦋 Project Updates


Swarm has integrated with xDai, and the bee client now runs on xDai to provide data availability, security and resiliency. BZZ airdrop on xDai is coming soon for holders of aBZZ tokens on Goerli August 2, 2020. This will give node operators and users instant access to the infrastructure on xDai without having to bridge from the Ethereum mainnet.

Crypto stamp

100k CS3 stamps sold out on the first day of the Crypto stamp launch! 5000 CS3 NFTs were sold directly on xDai Chain in just over 5 hours, ~1400 Presale tokens redeemed for "real" CS3 NFTs and over 12k colors/rarities were revealed for such NFTs during launch day.

Dark Forest

Dark Forest Round 2: Inspired Hallowed will begin on Monday, June 28 with a number of improvements and optimizations. This round will last 9 days, ending on Wednesday July 7th at 9PM PT.


The community market competition wrapped up with more than 160 community ideas for new markets. 10 markets were created, including several about xDai and STAKE, the Summer Olympics, Arbitrum, Aave, and more.


DxDao is lauching several Farming Campaigns on Swapr on xDai. Campaigns include:

  • WETH/xDXD unlocked — 4-week standard campaign with 8.1 WETH and 38.5 xDXD as dual rewards
  • WETH/xDXD locked — 6-week staking cap and time lock campaign with 6.1 WETH and 96.2 xDXD as dual rewards


GetBlock has seen a large increase in usage thanks to the Swarm integration on xDai. Their infrastructure provides easy node access for users.


TokenPocket multi-chain wallet supports xDai. They released a quick start guide to easily add xDai to their wallet infrastructure.

⚔️ xDai Weekly Recap - 18/06/2021

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This post is more than one year old. The information may be outdated. Check the latest posts.

POSDAO & Protocol Updates


The protocol is currently in Epoch 61.
****There are 17 validator pools with 293 delegators - over 200 of them are unique - staking a total of 624,782 STAKE.

High pool APY is currently 19.46%, low is 7.11% (stats as of 18/06/2021 15:00 UTC).

Bridge Governance

The bridge governance board is composed of 13 members who are responsible for managing bridge operations on both sides of the bridge (contracts are deployed on the Ethereum and xDai side). 7/13 signatures are required to approve any management proposal.

A new summary page shows updates and decisions from the bridge board of governors. The most recent measure passed by the board reduced USDC withdrawal fees to 0 for 3 months.


BlockScout now supports Vyper Smart Contract verification.

🦋 Project Updates

Gnosis Safe

Gnosis Safe added a default xDai bridge app to make it easy for multi-sigs to use the bridge directly from a safe. Follow these instructions to get started.

:earth_americas: xDai World

A portal into the world of xDai Apps and projects building on xDai from DAOSquare


The imToken wallet added xDai to their supported chains list.


DePay now supports the STAKE token! Users can pay for items with STAKE with supported applications.


GetBlock provides another point of connection for xDai users. Setting up a node is easy!


Swapr Beta now accessible on mainnet and xDai!


A curated NFT marketplace for art and music just released a new round of works on xDai.


Tutorial for devs and other users looking to create Data Unions on xDai.


Prediction markets are in full swing on xDai with Euro2020! This guide shows anyone how to place a prediction with Omen on xDai.

Gitcoin Grants Round 10

Innovative projects on xDai are raising funds in round 10. Support your favorites to continue building and growing the xDai ecosystem.

⚔️ xDai Weekly Recap - 11/06/2021

· 3 min read
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This post is more than one year old. The information may be outdated. Check the latest posts.

POSDAO & Protocol Updates


The protocol is currently in Epoch 60.
****There are 17 validator pools with 286 delegators - over 200 of them are unique - staking a total of 664,361 STAKE.

High pool APY is currently 20.6%, low is 6.45% (stats as of 11/06/2021 16:00 UTC).

EOA views added to xDai Usage Dashboard

Externally owned accounts on xDai represent a fair amount of volume, especially when related to account activity and overall transactions. We added this metric to see how EOAs are using xDai in relation to larger project utilization of the chain. The usage dashboard is available at

Ethers.js Quick Start Guide

Ethers.js is a useful javascript library available to developers. It is much smaller than web3.js and easy-to-use for new developers, and we created a simple guide for devs.

BlockScout Survey

BlockScout Block Explorer is conducting a survey to collect user feedback on the explorer. Help build the next generation of explorer for xDai, and win $100 in the process!

🦋 Project Updates

📡 Dark Forest Round 1 Completed

Dark Forest Round 1 was a big success on xDai, accounting for a big increase in transactions, usage and users. Get ready, round 2 starts shortly!

:house_with_garden: RealT Real Estate

RealT tokenized real estate continues to sell quickly. In a volatile market environment real-world assets with more predictable yields (and predictable pricing on xDai) provide some much needed balance!

Minerva Streaming Farms

Another innovation from the Minerva team - NFTs that come with a MIVA stream attached, once the user has deposited LP tokens from Honeyswap.


Eporio is partnering with Minerva to provide a marketplace forstreaming “Farm Position” NFTs (FP NFTs, for short), making them completely tradeable and visible to users.

Snafu Artist Collective

Collection 2 has been released, and is described as "an epiphany of looks, a chorus of images that represent our present" and includes a physical artbook available to the 5 users with the highest number of NFTs. One artist is dropped per day, for a total of 17 artists, and the campaign ends on 30 June, 2021.

HoneyComb Farming Updates

Farming continues to gain traction on the HoneySwap Platform, with additional liquidity coming in daily.

Peerion Validator Pool

Peerion validator pool for liquid staking has reached goal # 2 (5000+ STAKE) and continues to add more stakers in anticipation of launch.

⚔️ xDai Weekly Recap - 04/06/2021

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This post is more than one year old. The information may be outdated. Check the latest posts.

POSDAO Updates


The protocol is currently in Epoch 59.
****There are 17 validator pools with 278 delegators - over 200 of them are unique - staking a total of 652,442 STAKE.

High pool APY is currently 28.88%, low is 5.5% (stats as of 04/06/2021 16:00 UTC).

New Validator Pool

Another new validator pool onboarded to POSDAO, bringing the current total to 17 active pools.

Staking on xDai

Over 650K STAKE is now protecting the protocol on xDai. In the past month (since May 4) the amount has increased from 558069 to 652442, a nearly 15% increase in STAKE protecting the protocol . Source:

Transaction Fees Display

Dune Analytics dashboards now include transaction fee metrics, including total transaction fees paid per day, per month, and per project/day. These help give insight into general usage trends as well as granular usage by project. Source:

🦋 Project Updates

HoneyComb Farm

High yield HoneyComb farms launched on the Honeyswap platform. Farming has already brought additional liquidity to the ecosystem, resulting in an ATH for Honeyswap.


Rubic exchange is integrating xDai to enable decentralized cross-chain swaps.


xDai was added to the CryptoFees site and is in the top 15 for projects/chains. Learn more about the metrics and how xDai stacks up here.


Ankr continues to support xDai and is building out their docs to include easy setup instructions.


Peerion is bringing liquid staking to STAKE holders. Now users with a minimum of 20 STAKE can participate in consensus by joining the peerion validator pool co-op.


Users can withdraw DATA for free and utilize HoneySwap to trade earnings.


Darkforest continues to dominate on xDai, accounting for more than 50% of xDai transactions and 36% of gas usage on June 3! UX improvements like auto-confirmation with a burner wallet are helping drive massive usage from this popular application.

⚔️ xDai Weekly Recap - 28/05/2021

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This post is more than one year old. The information may be outdated. Check the latest posts.

👷‍♀️ POSDAO Updates


The protocol is currently in Epoch 58.
There are 16 validator pools with 272 delegators staking a total of 608,769 STAKE - over 75% of the total STAKE supply on xDai.

The new Stakefish pool has the highest amount staked, with 97K+ in the pool.

High pool APY is currently 18.28%, low is 10.92% (stats as of 28/05/2021 14:30 UTC).

✏️ Protocol Updates

Prior Pending Claims Amnesty

Assets worth more than 360K were sent to users on Ethereum from prior pending claims from the xDaiBridge and the Omnibridge. These assets consisted of pending claims where users had not completed the process on mainnet. Many had been in the contract for months. The funds were released from the bridge contracts and the xDai team paid the tx fees totaling 9.65 ETH for over 1000 transactions. This was a one-time event with no immediate plans for future amnesty.

xDai Bridge

  • Amount: 160K DAI
  • Addresses: 461
  • Tx Fees: 3.58 ETH
  • USD equivalent: $8,985.00
  • USD cost avg per tx: $19.50


  • Amount: 200K+ USD value
  • Addresses: 570
  • Tx Fees: 6.06 ETH
  • USD equivalent: $15,200.00
  • USD cost avg per tx: $26.66

OmniBridge AutoFaucet

To assist new user onboarding, and automatic faucet feature was added to the OmniBridge. Users moving assets over the Omnibridge from Ethereum or BSC to xDai now also automatically receive $.01 xDai* in addition to their bridged asset. This can be used to process transactions and swap some of their remaining assets into xDai as required. Over 500 faucet transactions have been processed since this feature was implemented on May 22.

*Only non-contract wallets with a 0 xDai balance receive xDai.

📊 Network Statistics

New Monthly ATH for Txs

xDai continues to see month-over-month usage and transactional growth. 6.3M transactions have been processed in the past 30 days. Source:

Gas Usage per Day

A new metric was added to measure gas use percentage. Gas usage is often a more telling metric than txs per day, as it captures the total use for all types of transactions, including resource intensive ones (some complex contract transactions can exceed 7M gas for 1 tx for example). Several high resource transactions can fill an entire block.

Staking on xDai

Over 600K STAKE is now protecting the protocol on xDai, over 75% of STAKE supply available on the network. Source:

🦋 Project Updates

DarkForest v0.6

A new round of darkforest is live on xDai! DF transactions have already surpassed Perpetual Protocol to claim the #1 spot for most daily txs by a single application on xDai.

Clover Finance Integration

Orchid on Android

Omen Prediction Market Contest

10K in rewards for the new market contest. Top 5 markets win 1500 xDAI and 750 REP on xDXdao Next 5 markets win 500 xDAI and 250 REP on xDXdao.

DxSale xDai Support

DxSale application allows users to create, launch and secure tokens. They offer multi-chain support and now include xDai support.

⚔️ xDai Weekly Recap - 21/05/2021

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This post is more than one year old. The information may be outdated. Check the latest posts.

✏️ Protocol Updates

🎉 Berlin Hardfork Successful!

The planned HF was successful on May 17 starting at block #16101500. Nodes should now be running OpenEthereum v3.2.5+, Nethermind v1.10.71+.

🎆 Gas Limit Increase

Following the HF, the gas limit per block was increased from 12.5M to 17M to accommodate increased usage and provide additional block space.

👷‍♀️ POSDAO Updates


The protocol is currently in Epoch 57.
****There are 16 validator pools with 249 delegators staking a total of 568,553 STAKE.

High pool APY is currently 19.18%, low is 11.43% (stats as of 21/05/2021 16:30 UTC).

Stakefish onboarded as a new validator

The Stakefish team was added as a validator to further decentralize the protocol.

📊 Network Statistics

New Stats added to Dune Analytics Dashboard

We've added additional xDai stats including historical overviews (30, 60 and 90 days) for transactions, active accounts and tx fees. Also additional insights into which projects are seeing the most transactions on xDai and which projects have the most engagement from different accounts.

:mag_right: BlockScout Updates

A new Gas Price Oracle API endpoint was added and recommended gas prices are now displayed in the header. Users can see averages from the past 200 blocks, updated every 5 seconds, to determine recommended gwei price for slow, average, and fast txs.

🦋 Project Updates

Austrian Post Crypto Stamp Project

Miva Gnosis Auction on xDai

CryptoTax Calculator Integration

Superfluid Streaming App


:classical_building: DAOs

Peerion DAO

xDai DAO

A new xDai focused, community run DAO on Reddit

⚔️ xDai Weekly Recap - 14/05/2021

· 3 min read
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This post is more than one year old. The information may be outdated. Check the latest posts.

👷‍♀️ POSDAO Updates


The protocol is currently in Epoch 56.
****There are 16 validator pools with 245 delegators staking a total of 547,277 STAKE.

High pool APY is currently 20.03%, low is 12.89% (stats as of 07/05/2021 16:60 UTC).

📊 Network Statistics

Tx/Day ATH reached

Transactions on xDai continue to grow. May 12 saw the largest number of txs to date, with 319K+ transactions on the network.

Green Chain

Bitcoin and Ethereum mining energy expenditure is back in the news. xDai has always been a green chain - last year total energy expenditure was equal to 2.1 US Households.

Bitcoin and Ethereum combined use the equivalent of the 23rd largest country in the world.

:classical_building: Governance Updates

Stakefish Proposal to join Validator Set

After a good deal of discussion and merits of adding an additional professional node operator to xDai (01Node also recently added), the Stakefish proposal will likely pass. Currently the voting is 100% Yes with less than 24 hours remaining).

Stakefish will be onboarded as a new validator with plans to bring new resources and expertise to the chain. No funds will be sent from the ecosystem fund, instead an existing POA validator will be transferred to Stakefish.

Funding Proposal for xDai Branding

As signaled by the community, 525K Stake was alloted from the Ecosystem fund to the Raidguild team to begin with their rebranding proposal. Next steps will involve a Sprint, Proposal, and Refinement over the course of the next several months.

Matching SushiSwap Incentives Proposal

A proposal to introduce matching incentives as LP rewards (1M in Stake from xDai to match 1M in Sushi from Sushiswap) was a highly debated proposal with many comments and more than 80 voters. The proposal was initiated from the Sushiswap side which resulted in some contingencies related to vote timing. Despite being an expedited proposal, there was a lot of conversation discussing the merits and drawbacks and a lot of engagement from the community. The final vote resulted in 66% in favor of the additional incentives.

Voting Report

✏️ Protocol Updates

Berlin Hardfork on xDai

May 17 is quickly approaching for the xDai upgrade to Berlin. All validators and any projects using xDai should update their nodes. (OpenEthereum v3.2.5+, Nethermind v1.10.71+)

  • Date: May 17
  • Block: #16101500
  • Time: ~13:24 UTC

🌉 OmniBridge Updates

NFT OmniBridge Sneak Peek

:mag_right: BlockScout Updates

UI Customizations include additional items added to the Apps Menu and trading icons to easily access HoneySwap, SushiSwap or Swapr for tokens on xDai.

🦋 Project Updates

Project Page Updates

Explore xDai diversity and more than 100+ projects and growing currently deployed on the xDai chain. We updated our projects page to include additional NFT and DeFi projects and more. If you have a project utilizing xDai, please get in touch so we can add it to our list.

Cryptokek Integration

Agave Lending

⚔️ xDai Weekly Recap - 07/05/2021

· 3 min read
Archive Post

This post is more than one year old. The information may be outdated. Check the latest posts.

👷‍♂️ POSDAO Updates


The protocol is currently in Epoch 55.
****There are 16 validator pools with 261 delegators staking a total of 578,082 STAKE, a 30K+ increase in amount staked from the previous week.

High pool APY is currently 19.07%, low is 12.89% (stats as of 07/05/2021 17:00 UTC).

📊 Network Statistics

We use a variety of tools to view xDai Metrics including:

Total OverView: BlockScout

  • 1.1Million Wallets
  • 23 Million Total Transactions

April 2021 Usage: AnyBlock Analytics

  • 4.2 Million Transactions
  • 1 Trillion Gas Usage
  • 46 Thousand Distinct Senders

Utilization by Project: Dune Analytics

May 6 Snapshot:

  • Other: 83023
  • Perpetual Protocol: 54127
  • RANDAO (on-chain random number generation): 7103
  • Honeyswap: 3811
  • Bao Finance: 1426
  • AMB Bridge: 1288
  • xDai Bridge: 579

Bridged Token Analytics

Bridged Token Heatmap by Value:

Top 10 according to

STAKE$6.71Mnote: missing locked validator tokens, actual value $13,780,797 USD

✏️ Protocol Updates

Berlin Hardfork on xDai

The date and block number have been announced for the xDai upgrade to Berlin. All validators and any projects using xDai should update their nodes. (OpenEthereum v3.2.5, Nethermind v1.10.67)

  • Date: May 17
  • Block: #16101500

Client Support

Both OpenEthereum and Nethermind support the latest xDai updates.

🌉 OmniBridge Updates

After a successful security audit, OmniBridge upgrades are underway. Documentation was added for the following:

  • Alternate Receiver: Bridge tokens from an address on one chain to a second address on another chain).
  • Define Custom RPCs: Set your own RPC endpoints for bridge interaction.
  • Infinite Unlock: Approve all transfers of a token with a single tx rather than for each transfer.
  • Reverse Mode: Coming Soon. Bridge tokens minted on xDai to Ethereum/BSC

:mag_right: BlockScout Updates

BlockScout now supports EIP1155 Tokens, with recent updates to include Metadata support.

1155 MetaData Support Added

🦋 Project Updates


GnosisSafe Application

Mt Pelerin Bridge Wallet

⚔️ xDai Weekly Recap - 30/04/2021

· 2 min read
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This post is more than one year old. The information may be outdated. Check the latest posts.

👷‍♂️ POSDAO & Protocol Updates


The protocol is currently in Epoch 54.
****There are 16 validator pools with 250 delegators staking a total of 544,012 STAKE. High pool APY is currently 19.02%, low is 13.10% (stats as of 30/04/2021 16:00 UTC).

🌉 OmniBridge Audit Completed

ChainSecurity completed an audit of the OmniBridge contracts. The final report identified 0 Critical or High Risk Issues, 2 Medium Issues and 3 Low Risk Issues all of which were acknowledged and/or accepted. Next, the team will implement the latest contracts which will include reverse functionality (token minting on xDai, bridge minted tokens to Ethereum) and other audited features.

See the report:

🦋 Project Updates

:earth_americas: Genesis Vision & Perpetual Protocol

Two projects on xDai working together to provide new options for traders.

:small_red_triangle_down: Peerion & pNetwork

🦉 Minerva Faucet :potable_water:

Minerva is providing a faucet for MIVA holders, and an excellent explainer that shows users options for getting just a little bit of xDai - all that's needed to complete many transactions.

:capital_abcd: Node Providers

Two projects announced API support for xDai chain users.

AnyBlock Analytics


:frame_photo: NFT Projects

xDai provides a green landing and launching pad 🚀 for a variety of NFT Projects.

:mag_right: BlockScout ERC1155 Support

BlockScout continues to innovate as an explorer. The latest update for xDai includes 1155 support, a standard which is rapidly gaining popularity as a way to transfer NFT collections.

🍔 McDonalds Coin

A parody art project and trading game now live on xDai.

❄️ Snowflakes Hash

:bee: Beezu Coming Soon