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Core Devs Call - 2023/09/06

· 3 min read
Lion - dapplion
Hard Fork Coordinator
Validator Comms Lead @ Gnosis

Gnosis Core Devs Call Notes

core devs call

Welcome to the weekly Gnosis Core Devs Call, where members of the Gnosis team and contributors gather to discuss the latest developments and updates related to the Gnosis ecosystem. This meeting is held every Wednesday and serves as a platform for participants to collaborate and exchange ideas.

The participants of this call include representatives from various teams such as Erigon, Gateway, Nethermind, Geth, Gnosis DevOps, Gnosis Core Devs, Gnosis DevRels, Gnosis Comms team, and community contributors. The presence of diverse team members ensures that discussions are comprehensive and informative, with insights from multiple perspectives.

For those who missed the live meeting, a full recording is available on YouTube.

The Gnosis Core Devs Call is a crucial component of the Gnosis ecosystem. It provides an opportunity for participants to stay informed, share ideas and collaborate, thus driving innovation and progress within the Gnosis community.

September 6, 2023


  • Nethermind: Met the Shutter guys There were some questions and answers Asked for priorities

    1. Cancun We want EIP-4844 as soon as possible
    2. Shutter
  • Erigon: No updates

  • Geth: Got some Chiado data but it was missing the code, so waiting for a new dump Requesting more details about the system address being or not being in the state Guillaume will contact Lukasz on Telegram EIP-158 needs to be disabled for system transactions

Chain Infra

  • Gateway No updates


Deposit UI somewhat fixed The previous deposits cache is now kept up to date on every build But we’re still getting RPC issues a lot of the times, making deposits quite painful The RPC error wa actually fixed by Nethermind, but not released There was a custom release for Gateway Auto claim Some sample contracts were written but there’s nothing concrete


We should start launching devnets There will be some differences for shadow forks as well We need a copy of the deposit / withdrawals contract, so that the shadow forked network doesn’t have all validators deposited We just have to deploy the deposit contract on Gnosis mainnet Will require some changes in Nethermind and Erigon to support deposit contract swaps

Hive Tests

No updates


  • Big blocks experiment What size should we allocate to 4844? Just parameter changes
  • Cancun: there are definitely some differences
    • 4844 requires eth/68, but we don’t have that because we don’t have snap sync
      • Nethermind has a client for snap sync but doesn’t serve that data
      • Erigon also doesn’t serve the data
      • A clean solution might be to introduce a new way to sync data?
    • System transaction differences between Gnosis and mainnet for 4337
      • Erigon would prefer to do all the system transactions the same way for Gnosis, so use the current concept for Gnosis and a different one for Ethereum
      • There are some downsides
    • Hive tests will have to be different
    • Lion: why not keep the same code as for Ethereum? We already have hacks for AuRa, and we would have to add hacks to the new system transaction way as well

Next week DappCon

Core Devs Call - 2023/08/30

· 3 min read
Lion - dapplion
Hard Fork Coordinator
Validator Comms Lead @ Gnosis


Gnosis Core Devs Call Notes

Welcome to the weekly Gnosis Core Devs Call, where members of the Gnosis team and contributors gather to discuss the latest developments and updates related to the Gnosis ecosystem. This meeting is held every Wednesday and serves as a platform for participants to collaborate and exchange ideas.

The participants of this call include representatives from various teams such as Erigon, Gateway, Nethermind, Geth, Gnosis DevOps, Gnosis Core Devs, Gnosis DevRels, Gnosis Comms team, and community contributors. The presence of diverse team members ensures that discussions are comprehensive and informative, with insights from multiple perspectives.

For those who missed the live meeting, a full recording is available on YouTube.

The Gnosis Core Devs Call is a crucial component of the Gnosis ecosystem. It provides an opportunity for participants to stay informed, share ideas and collaborate, thus driving innovation and progress within the Gnosis community.


  • Nethermind: A new state layout is being worked on, which will optimize block processing significantly 80% to 20% of the block processing time Will introduce snapshots with this update or soon after Will allow for snap sync for Gnosis Chain Might ship end of year, but no guarantee Geth has been working on something similar for 2 years and will be shipping soon

  • Erigon: No updates

  • Geth: Guillaume got pre-shapella and post-shapella states He’s going to implement the hard fork and see if he gets the right post-state after A Nethermind archive node was set up for Guillaume so he can trace and get states


  • Lighthouse Merged the Chiado config

Chain Infra

  • Gateway No updates


Auto claim

Hive Tests

Fixed the last issue for Erigon Related to warm coinbase Working on merging dencun tests Will likely break some tests, but that makes sense


  • Big block experiment We’re going to deliberately spam the network with big blocks to see if it causes issues Latency Slower slots / propagation Less attestations / falling behind
  • History of Gnosis Chain, specifically regarding spamming and attacks Started by implementing AuRa in 2019 and then POSDAO Not much recollection of the different attacks It would be quite cheap to fill blocks, and having somewhat full blocks could cause a lot of nodes to struggle Right now we’re at 5-10% of block capacity It should still be in spec, be it for block producing or propagation Block production should stay under 150ms Might be a bit more expensive for node operators, but that makes sense Lion’s concern: we now have a very decentralized network, where users might not have sufficiently powerful systems or network connections. Could this introduce risks? Of course, some users with under specced systems could be left behind, but that shouldn’t be an issue For the cheap spamming issue, we had talks about increasing the minimum base fee We were quite against this though, as the costs should scale automatically based on needs

Core Devs Call - 2023/08/16

· 2 min read
Lion - dapplion
Hard Fork Coordinator
Validator Comms Lead @ Gnosis


Gnosis Core Devs Call Notes

Welcome to the weekly Gnosis Core Devs Call, where members of the Gnosis team and contributors gather to discuss the latest developments and updates related to the Gnosis ecosystem. This meeting is held every Wednesday and serves as a platform for participants to collaborate and exchange ideas.

The participants of this call include representatives from various teams such as Erigon, Gateway, Nethermind, Geth, Gnosis DevOps, Gnosis Core Devs, Gnosis DevRels, Gnosis Comms team, and community contributors. The presence of diverse team members ensures that discussions are comprehensive and informative, with insights from multiple perspectives.

For those who missed the live meeting, a full recording is available on YouTube.

The Gnosis Core Devs Call is a crucial component of the Gnosis ecosystem. It provides an opportunity for participants to stay informed, share ideas and collaborate, thus driving innovation and progress within the Gnosis community.

August 16, 2023


  • Nethermind: Nethermind Started developing the shutter implementation

  • Erigon: Finishing bits and pieces of dencun

  • Geth: Pretty much at a dead end at this point Still getting the wrong root and started making experiments Confirmed that the initial state root is correct Confirmed that updates to the state are correct Alternatives explored Test on Chiado because the state is way smaller Getting two consecutive states from Chiado, which archive nodes can’t easily do Call with Andrew tomorrow

Chain Infra

  • Gateway Missing transactions on Omni Bridge and AMB Seems related to a container that is constantly restarting Working on this today


Automatic withdrawals Not much progress

Hive Tests

Progress with fixing them for different Nethermind versions 1.19.0 to 1.19.3 seem to work, next ones don’t The first post-shapella block can’t sync Failing withdrawal test Merging latest changes from hive upstream


Shutterized Beacon Chain Potential competitor:

Core Devs Call - 2023/08/09

· 2 min read
Lion - dapplion
Hard Fork Coordinator
Validator Comms Lead @ Gnosis

Gnosis Core Devs Call Notes

Core Devs Call

Welcome to the weekly Gnosis Core Devs Call, where members of the Gnosis team and contributors gather to discuss the latest developments and updates related to the Gnosis ecosystem. This meeting is held every Wednesday and serves as a platform for participants to collaborate and exchange ideas.

The participants of this call include representatives from various teams such as Erigon, Gateway, Nethermind, Geth, Gnosis DevOps, Gnosis Core Devs, Gnosis DevRels, Gnosis Comms team, and community contributors. The presence of diverse team members ensures that discussions are comprehensive and informative, with insights from multiple perspectives.

For those who missed the live meeting, a full recording is available on YouTube.

The Gnosis Core Devs Call is a crucial component of the Gnosis ecosystem. It provides an opportunity for participants to stay informed, share ideas and collaborate, thus driving innovation and progress within the Gnosis community.

August 9, 2023


  • Nethermind: No updates

  • Erigon: No updates Busy with dencun Looking into Geth issues with Guillaume

  • Geth: There’s an issue with a specific transaction Fee collection seems to work correctly If the reward contract writes anything to the state it might cause issues The block root is still incorrect Could be linked to incorrect import of all the previous data Something could be missing (from AuRa?) The reward contract could write something to the state, thus changing the root


Chain Infra

  • Gateway Launchpad tested on mainnet


Checkpoint sync fixed Fairly janky though Lot of dependencies to update, fork and maintain Automatic claims We’re likely going with an opt-in solution with signature to confirm If spamming become an issue (as anyone can claim for any address) we can update the deposit contract to require a signature

Hive Tests

No updates

Core Devs Call - 2023/08/02

· 2 min read
Lion - dapplion
Hard Fork Coordinator
Validator Comms Lead @ Gnosis

Gnosis Core Devs Call Notes

Core devs call

Welcome to the weekly Gnosis Core Devs Call, where members of the Gnosis team and contributors gather to discuss the latest developments and updates related to the Gnosis ecosystem. This meeting is held every Wednesday and serves as a platform for participants to collaborate and exchange ideas.

The participants of this call include representatives from various teams such as Erigon, Gateway, Nethermind, Geth, Gnosis DevOps, Gnosis Core Devs, Gnosis DevRels, Gnosis Comms team, and community contributors. The presence of diverse team members ensures that discussions are comprehensive and informative, with insights from multiple perspectives.

For those who missed the live meeting, a full recording is available on YouTube.

The Gnosis Core Devs Call is a crucial component of the Gnosis ecosystem. It provides an opportunity for participants to stay informed, share ideas and collaborate, thus driving innovation and progress within the Gnosis community.

August 2, 2023


  • Nethermind: No particular updates Looking into the contractAddress issue in receipts Has some ideas about improvements for eth_getLogs

  • Erigon: No specific news Busy working on dencun Helping Marcos with the Hive tests

  • Geth: No updates Waiting for input from Erigon Traces from Erigon


  • Nimbus Merged Chiado

  • Lighthouse Accepted the PR for Chiado

Chain Infra

  • Gateway Post mortem for the slashing issue Looking into the checkpoint sync logs Launchpad updated? Checking with DevOps


Shapella went through smoothly Checkpoint sync Investigation needed Forgot to check that web3signer was updated Was discovered less than 24 hours before the fork Had to put out urgent comms to update this on Dappnode and for users who need web3signer in their infra (i.e. StakeWise) Participation dropped from 96 to 90% for a few epochs but went up to 95% very quickly right after Went really well Erigon nodes weren’t synced for the hard fork (forkmon, ethstats, grafana)

Hive Tests

From the 20 tests passing on Nethermind, only 14 tests pass for Erigon right now

Core Devs Call - 2023/07/26

· 4 min read
Lion - dapplion
Hard Fork Coordinator
Validator Comms Lead @ Gnosis

Gnosis Core Devs Call Notes

core devs cover

Welcome to the weekly Gnosis Core Devs Call, where members of the Gnosis team and contributors gather to discuss the latest developments and updates related to the Gnosis ecosystem. This meeting is held every Wednesday and serves as a platform for participants to collaborate and exchange ideas.

The participants of this call include representatives from various teams such as Erigon, Gateway, Nethermind, Geth, Gnosis DevOps, Gnosis Core Devs, Gnosis DevRels, Gnosis Comms team, and community contributors. The presence of diverse team members ensures that discussions are comprehensive and informative, with insights from multiple perspectives.

For those who missed the live meeting, a full recording is available on YouTube.

The Gnosis Core Devs Call is a crucial component of the Gnosis ecosystem. It provides an opportunity for participants to stay informed, share ideas and collaborate, thus driving innovation and progress within the Gnosis community.

July 26, 2023


  • Nethermind: Issue when fetching events (eth_getLogs) on a contract that hasn’t emitted said event yet {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":[]}{"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":-32016,"message":"Request was canceled due to enabled timeout."},"id":null} There’s a setting on Json RPC to disable streaming Erigon will check the code as well No specific updates Working on a shadow fork with Carlos Not sure if it’s going to be ready before mainnet hard fork Withdrawing works just fine on Chiado Rechecking everything Fixed the “too many concurrent requests” issue

  • Erigon: There was an issue for block syncs for older blocks which was fixed in 2.48.1 Syncing from genesis works again Was probably introduced in 2.46 or 2.47 Working with Marcos for Hive tests

  • Geth: Nothing significant Talked to Philippe and Martin Calling the reward contract seems to work and return the correct result The root is still wrong Guillaume has several hypotheses The state might not be saved to the database after a system transaction Andrew from Erigon is getting Guillaume some traces for system transactions Gateway provided Guillaume with an Erigon archive node


Hive Tests


All one-click staking solutions are ready Dappnode Avado Stereum Sedge Deposit contract proxy upgraded on Monday Transaction: Implementation: Tests Old deposit: New deposit: 40% cheaper Gnosis deposit UI updated shortly afterwards on Monday (and was tested) But we coordinated badly around this and Gnosis Builders and Gateway weren’t ready / kept in the loop Totally our fault We broke a few projects Dappnode deposit Gateway launchpad Ankr liquid staking Stakewise Gnosis Builders deposit UI Party Streamed online Who wants to join?

Block Building

Can we use Nethermind? There seems to be some functionality, but not updated for Shapella? Can definitely make it work Can we use Erigon? Will check


Gnosis as a L2 thought experiment Polygon and Celo started talks about this

Chain Infra

  • Gateway Was the deposit UI updated? Apparently yes, tests pending The issue with Nethermind was fixed Decided to sync some Erigon nodes for non-archival mainnet to have some diversity

  • Potential issues for the next hard fork Short block times could be an issue because of bigger blocks and thus higher latency to get a block across the network Dapplion is questioning whether we actually even need blobs Philippe thinks we should have them to be compatible with mainnet, even if we have to have less than mainnet Martin also expected there to be demand The zkEVM L2 for Gnosis Pay would be an example There’s also some other partnerships with Spark / Fuel building on this This might actually become a huge selling point for Gnosis as we (and Lukso now) are the only other chains with a beacon chain and thus 4844 compatibility Changing the intervals for block building, attestation and aggregation would require consensus from all client devs

Core Devs Call - 2023/07/19

· 2 min read
Lion - dapplion
Hard Fork Coordinator
Validator Comms Lead @ Gnosis

Gnosis Core Devs Call Notes


Welcome to the weekly Gnosis Core Devs Call, where members of the Gnosis team and contributors gather to discuss the latest developments and updates related to the Gnosis ecosystem. This meeting is held every Wednesday and serves as a platform for participants to collaborate and exchange ideas.

The participants of this call include representatives from various teams such as Erigon, Gateway, Nethermind, Geth, Gnosis DevOps, Gnosis Core Devs, Gnosis DevRels, Gnosis Comms team, and community contributors. The presence of diverse team members ensures that discussions are comprehensive and informative, with insights from multiple perspectives.

For those who missed the live meeting, a full recording is available on YouTube.

The Gnosis Core Devs Call is a crucial component of the Gnosis ecosystem. It provides an opportunity for participants to stay informed, share ideas and collaborate, thus driving innovation and progress within the Gnosis community.

July 19, 2023


  • Nethermind: Issue with ethers@v6 fixed Eth_call currently investigated Released not Geth compatible version with ethers@v6 fix on the last week

  • Erigon: No updates

  • Geth: No updates


  • Lighthouse No updates.


Withdrawal contract fully audited by ChainSafe Will be deployed after the call and then be proposed to the DAO (process takes ~9 days) All clients up to date and released Make sure that gnosisscan and blockscout follow the updates.

Hive Tests

Dashboard up Erigon upcoming Error with Gas was fixed


Deposit contract deployed and verified (same as mainnet) Need to call claim function to be sure there are no issue with new contract. Possibly run other withdrawals checks.


Modify proxy owner in genesis.json to avoid reply Make sure we are avoid any other replay attack Nethermind team will take care of shadowfork setup


Will be ready for the end of the week Wait for nethermind release

Chain Infra

Gateway: Helping Nethermind team Provided Erigon node to Guillaume

Core Devs Call - 2023/07/12

· 3 min read
Lion - dapplion
Hard Fork Coordinator
Validator Comms Lead @ Gnosis

Gnosis Core Devs Call Notes

Core Devs Call

Welcome to the weekly Gnosis Core Devs Call, where members of the Gnosis team and contributors gather to discuss the latest developments and updates related to the Gnosis ecosystem. This meeting is held every Wednesday and serves as a platform for participants to collaborate and exchange ideas.

The participants of this call include representatives from various teams such as Erigon, Gateway, Nethermind, Geth, Gnosis DevOps, Gnosis Core Devs, Gnosis DevRels, Gnosis Comms team, and community contributors. The presence of diverse team members ensures that discussions are comprehensive and informative, with insights from multiple perspectives.

For those who missed the live meeting, a full recording is available on YouTube.

The Gnosis Core Devs Call is a crucial component of the Gnosis ecosystem. It provides an opportunity for participants to stay informed, share ideas and collaborate, thus driving innovation and progress within the Gnosis community.

July 12, 2023


  • Nethermind: yParity mismatch on ethers@v6. Going to look into this. New config variables for Teku (default ones) fixed the issue with newer version. No updates

  • Erigon: Erigon v3 is a fundamental rearchitecture for the data structures.Old state is read-only and can be stored on IPFS / torrent Caplin: New embedded CL, UX improvement. Can save on the disk footprint because you don’t need to duplicate blocks between EL and CL Might also become a validator client.

  • Geth: Burner contract was missing. Rewards are still being figured out because the contract doesn’t return anything despite a reward having to be paid. Wondering if there’s an archive node for Guillaume. Ping Anna from Gateway on Telegram


  • Lighthouse No updates.


Preliminary audit done, waiting for formal approval. Dappnode packages done. We need new ones for Erigon and Nimbus. Sedge: right versions? Avado, Stereum?

Hive Tests

Erigon still in progress Added transfer event checks Separated execution layer checks from protocol layer checks The dashboard works and is ready to be deployed The question is how this is going to fit into the workflow, where it’s going to be hosted and who’s going to manage it Will be talked about with Marcos Looking into adding more corner cases before the shapella hard fork


Contract not upgraded yet, will be done today

Chain Infra

Gateway: Experiences some issues on Nethermind nodes when there’s too many concurrent requests. Still investigating this. Will ping on Telegram


Verkle trees: On mainnet a billion nodes will have to be updated, which will be done in batches. On Gnosis Chain, as the blocks are faster, there’s less work to calculate those batches. Gnosis Chain seems to have way less accounts: about 1 million according to Gnosisscan, does that seem correct?

Core Devs Call - 2023/07/05

· 2 min read
Lion - dapplion
Hard Fork Coordinator
Validator Comms Lead @ Gnosis

Core Devs Call

Welcome to the weekly Gnosis Core Devs Call, where members of the Gnosis team and contributors gather to discuss the latest developments and updates related to the Gnosis ecosystem. This meeting is held every Wednesday and serves as a platform for participants to collaborate and exchange ideas.

The participants of this call include representatives from various teams such as Erigon, Gateway, Nethermind, Geth, Gnosis DevOps, Gnosis Core Devs, Gnosis DevRels, Gnosis Comms team, and community contributors. The presence of diverse team members ensures that discussions are comprehensive and informative, with insights from multiple perspectives.

For those who missed the live meeting, a full recording is available on YouTube.

The Gnosis Core Devs Call is a crucial component of the Gnosis ecosystem. It provides an opportunity for participants to stay informed, share ideas and collaborate, thus driving innovation and progress within the Gnosis community.

July 5, 2023

Client Team Updates


  • Nethermind: No updates
  • Erigon: No updates except latest release that supports shapella
  • Geth: No updates


  • Prysm: No updates.
  • Lighthouse No updates.


Audit still ongoing All the clients have created releases Working on Dappnode packages now

Sedge Can we add Erigon? Can we add Nimbus? Probably not

Can we update all the client versions for shapella?

Deposit Contract

We added a executeSystemWithdrawals with the first argument removed. This can be used instead of the one with the deprecated argument if we deprecate Chiado at some point. Alternatively, we can also implement branching logic for Chiado specifically and use that new function for Gnosis mainnet. Needs to be 4 for Chiado for now.

Chain Infra

Gateway: No updates


8 withdrawals consume ~45k gas Slot cleanup script done Next step: upgrade to the latest contract version


We solved the warm coinbase issue. Some contracts were missing. Start to look into claim events Building a dashboard, similar to what the EF has To show the test results for different clients Running the entire suit takes a few hours, so it can sometimes time out on CI GitHub Actions only allows for up to 6 hours This might have been fixed?

Core Devs Call - 2023/06/28

· 3 min read
Lion - dapplion
Hard Fork Coordinator
Validator Comms Lead @ Gnosis

Gnosis Core Devs Call Notes Event june 28 Welcome to the weekly Gnosis Core Devs Call, where members of the Gnosis team and contributors gather to discuss the latest developments and updates related to the Gnosis ecosystem. This meeting is held every Wednesday and serves as a platform for participants to collaborate and exchange ideas.

The participants of this call include representatives from various teams such as Erigon, Gateway, Nethermind, Geth, Gnosis DevOps, Gnosis Core Devs, Gnosis DevRels, Gnosis Comms team, and community contributors. The presence of diverse team members ensures that discussions are comprehensive and informative, with insights from multiple perspectives.

For those who missed the live meeting, a full recording is available on YouTube.

The Gnosis Core Devs Call is a crucial component of the Gnosis ecosystem. It provides an opportunity for participants to stay informed, share ideas and collaborate, thus driving innovation and progress within the Gnosis community.

June 28, 2023


  • Nethermind: No updates Running devnets internally, monitoring, etc.So far everything looks good.Staying focused on monitoring and testing

  • Erigon: No updates

  • Geth: The reward contract was reverting. It was actually upgraded, so the right one is now being called. The node is now syncing, so we’ll have more information soon


  • Prysm: No updates.
  • Lighthouse No updates.



Consensus Layer

  • Nimbus is ready
  • Teku and Lighthouse have PRs merged
  • Lodestar will do a quick patch release

Execution Layer

  • Nethermind: Released yesterday: 1.19.3
  • Erigon: Not released yet. Will be done soonish

“Easy setups”

  • Dappnode
  • Avado
  • Deposit UI

PR open to remove mGNO We also need to add a claim button

  • Explorers: They should not increase any balance on withdrawals

  • Deposit contract Audit: Ongoing, Upgrade it, Fund it

Pause bridges during the hard fork 3 different proposals Pause and resume bridge Upgrade deposit contract

Chain Infra

Gateway: No updates


Upgraded the deposit contract to be identical to the one we’re deploying on mainnet. Store layout fixed. Add debug logs to system level transactions to see how much gas they consume


Warm coinbase. Egor is working on this Looks like the contract code is missing in the genesis. We will see today if they can fix it together.

  • Updated to the new withdrawal contract
  • Focused on adding Erigon to the pipeline